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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/171
Central register: 1915-A-33574
Embassy register: A53a/1915/6675
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Departure of telegram: 11/17/1915 08:00 PM
Arrival of telegram: 11/18/1915 05:00 PM
Date of entry in central register: 11/20/1915 a.m.
Embassy/consular serial number: No. 52
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Consul in Damascus (Loytved Hardegg) to the Embassy Constantinople

Telegraphic Report

No. 52
Damascus, 17 November 1915
At the order of Djemal Pasha, two former captains who had last gone to Armenia as gang leaders were hanged here for the ill-treatment and robbery of Armenians. I leave it to your discretion to have this politically clever measure of Djemal Pasha spread by the press.


[Wolff-Metternich to the German Foreign Office (No. 2739), 18 November [exp. 19 November]]

The Imperial Consul from Damascus telegraphed on the 17th inst.: At the order of Djemal Pasha, two former captains who had last gone to Armenia as gang leaders were hanged here for the ill-treatment and robbery of Armenians. I leave it to your discretion to have this politically clever measure of Djemal Pasha spread by the press.

I leave it to Your Excellency's decision as to whether or not and to what extent this news is suitable for publication in our national newspapers to the advantage of the Turks. We cannot launch it in the local press.

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