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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/170
Publication: DuA Dok. 145; 146
Embassy register: A53a/1915/4815
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Embassy/consular serial number:
Translated by: Linda Struck (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 04/22/2012

Petition submitted by an Armenian to the Embassy in Constantinople

Private Correspondence

Pera, 19 August 1915

Submitted by Msgr. Dolci

Regarding the deportation of the Armenians

1. The Catholics from Nicomedia (Ismidt) have been deported with other Armenians. As luck would have it, two priests and some of the Catholic Armenians remained behind in Eskischehir. Five days later they will be chased away from there. We request you to arrange that these two priests and their people be allowed to return to their towns and villages or to remain in Eskischehir, but just as free as the local Catholic Armenians there.

2. Contrary to all promises, on 16th inst., the Catholic and Protestant Armenians of Baktchedjik were also deported. By chance five nuns and three priest remained in Nicomedia and their people were transported by train. We ask you either to send these priests and sisters back to Baktchedjik or have them sent to Constantinople. Also to send the Catholic and Protestant people back to their village or retain them in Eskischehir.

3. Give the railway officials the order to treat these ill-favoured people in a slightly more humane manner.

4. We should be allowed to give charity to these poor people.

[Note by Neurath]

To Consul General Mordtmann with the request to bring the matter, if possible today, to the attention of Talaat, conveying your agreement to the petition.

Pera, 19 August 1915
The deportation of the Armenians [Apart from the above short version there is also this longer version in the files.]

I. Urgent Request

1. Contrary to the formal promises that at least the Catholic Armenians would be spared, the Catholic priests and their people from Nicomedia were deported on 11th inst., in the direction of Konia. Two priests and part of the Catholic people remained en route in Eskischehir, but after five days received the order to move on. We beg you to allow the two priests and their people either to return home or to remain in Eskischehir, as free as the Catholics there.

2. Contrary to the promises made very recently that the Protestant and Catholic Armenians would be spared, on 16th inst., the entire population of Baktchedjik - a purely Armenian village opposite to Nicomedia - was deported. Only by chance did the three Catholic priests and five nuns remain behind at the station in Nicomedia. Their people have already all left. We implore you to allow those remaining either to return to Baktchedjik or to Constantinople and the people who have already left to at least stay in Eskischehir if it is not possible for them to return to Baktchedjik.

II. General Notes

The situation for the deportees is very deplorable, in particular the poorer class is suffering terribly. Many mothers throw their children in the rivers to avoid having to see them tormented any longer. Other mothers sell their little ones to be able to buy a piece of bread and to save them from certain death. Children up to the age of 6 years are sold for 5 piasters, that is less than one mark, and the 15- 20 year old girls for 20 piasters. At night in particular, all kinds of disgraceful acts of violence are carried out on the wives and girls.

Eskischehir, Kütahia, Afion Karahissar und Konia are central places where they are collected in masses outside the towns on an enclosed field, for example near Eskischehir, when 10 - 12000 children, women and old people were turned out into the open and exposed to the unpredictable whims of the people and the weather. A reliable eye witness told how he had seen hundreds of bodies lying on the field in Eskischehir a few days after a thunder-storm, in particular children’s corpses which the Christian railway officials had not allowed to take shelter under the station roof.

Also, the railway officials did not always behave considerately. The people piled up in the fields without any means are whipped three times a day in order that they move on because they cannot travel by train. Nobody knows what happens to the Armenians who are deported on to Konia. God bless those who relieve the suffering of these poor people.

[Notes Mordtmann, 21 August]

Today I have taken steps with the Ministry of the Interior (Aziz Bej; the Minister and Djanbulad Bej were not present) regarding the return of the Catholic Armenians who have already been deported.

Aziz Bey will present the matter to the Minister and remarked that according to the latest instructions the Catholic Armenians from Angora and Adana would be excepted from the privileges.

I had particularly requested that, in respect of the Catholic and Protestant Armenians who have already been deported to Eskischehir and Konia and interned in concentration camps there, telegraphic instructions be sent to the administrative district of the mutessarif Eskischehir and the Vilayet Konia regarding the adjournment of their further deportation or the return of those interned.

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