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Source: DE/PA-AA/R14089
Central register: 1915-A-36794
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Departure of telegram: 12/21/1915 03:30 PM
Arrival of telegram: 12/21/1915 07:40 PM
Date of entry in central register: 12/21/1915 p.m.
Embassy/consular serial number: Nr. 3013
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/29/2012

From the Ambassador in Extraordinary Mission in Constantinople (Wolff-Metternich)
to the Foreign Office

Telegraphic Report

No. 3013
Pera, 21 December 1915
From Baghdad, 20 December. Received from Prince Reuss on 17 December for forwarding. Berlin No. 13. At the suggestion of the military attaché, Sommer entered into negotiations with the Armenians in Teheran. He telegraphed the following concerning the results:

"Direct negotiations with the leaders of the local Armenian Party showed that a change in the attitude of the Armenians in Persia and the Caucasus could not be achieved through local concessions, but rather only by going into the entire Armenian question. The most important desideratum: the establishment of an autonomous Armenia along the lines of a German state or a Swiss canton, if possible with a German sovereign under Ottoman supremacy. Immediate release of all of the Armenians deported by Turks and relocation in Armenian provinces. A guarantee by the German and Austrian governments that Turkish promises will be kept."


[Jagow's Answer (No. 2527) on 22 December]


For secret envoy Secretary Sommer in answer to telegram no. 13 as well as for Minister Dr. Vassel and Field Marshal Baron von der Goltz.

Let negotiations with Armenians die out. Should they insist, use lack of instructions as an excuse. Please inform Military Attaché Count Kanitz.

For Minister Dr. Vassel as a personal orientation: out of consideration for Turkey, any engagement with the Armenians from Persia is to be strictly avoided; on the other hand, they must not be snubbed in any way so as not to give them any means of agitation to use against us.

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