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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/100 Bl. 55-63
Embassy register: 10-12/1916/4455
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Departure of telegram: 04/07/1916 07:00 PM
Arrival of telegram: 04/08/1916 11:00 AM
Embassy/consular serial number:
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/30/2012

From the Consul in Aleppo (Roessler) to the Embassy Constantinople

Telegraphic Report

Aleppo, 7 April 1916
No. 60

As it is to be expected that almost all of the Armenians in Aleppo will be deported, request now that exemptions be obtained for students attending German schools, even though schools do not have boarding facilities.

[Note by Neurath, 11 April]

I have already discussed this matter with Talaat, as follows from the telegram to Aleppo dated 8 April. Thus, the matter should be settled for the moment.

[From the Consulate in Aleppo to the Embassy Constantinople (No. 61), 7 April]

Reply to Tel. No. 57.

I consider the information given by the Minister of the Interior to the deputy for Marash to be pretence. Rather, deportations of Armenians also residing in Aleppo are more drastic than ever today. Should the Minister seriously wish to put an end to this, the best method of doing so would be to dismiss Commissioner Abdul Ahad Nuri Bey.

A German Franciscan monk asked me to intervene in favour of local Catholic Armenians, if possible. The deportation of these people has also begun.


[Reply from the Embassy Constantinople (No. 62), 8 April]

To Tel. Nos. 60 and 61.

Minister of the Interior today repeated assurance that deportation of the Armenians residing in Aleppo not planned and that he issued strict orders in this sense. Catholic Armenians were also exempt from deportation. He requests information, should contrary orders have been given by the local authorities, if possible citing individual cases.

[From the Consulate in Aleppo to the Embassy Constantinople (No. 64), 10 April]

Reply to Telegr. No. 62.

The manner in which the Minister's orders are evaded by the local authorities (Wali and Deportation Commissioner) was shown in my reports Nos. 236 and 247 dated 26 and 28 January, respectively. Even before the war there were at least 6,000 Armenians residing in Aleppo but, due to the new method of counting, presumably only 56 families reside here today. This mocks the true circumstances. Thus, orders are urgently required that as proof of residence tax payments made at least one or two years ago, references by respected persons and similar proof are also considered valid.

Deportations are in full swing. Yesterday, for example, 200 to 300 people were deported, among them the families of soldiers. Accommodation was ordered for the latter in nearby villages. But all of them were marched off to Derel-Zor in March. They were not allowed to take anything with them, so they must starve.

Even individual women and girls are picked up on the street and this situation is being used by government authorities to carry out acts of caprice. It is simply a manhunt, and the Armenians fear that their wives and daughters will gradually be dishonoured, without exception.

I assume that, like Catholics, Protestants will also be exempted.

Postscript: Yesterday, the Wali explained to Major v. Mikusch that he had strict orders to deport the Armenians.

[From the Consulate in Aleppo to the Embassy Constantinople (No. 67), 12 April]

Shukri Partanian, an Armenian who has been a student at the German school since 1913, is missing today. His parents, bakers, are resident in Aleppo and were deported today.

[Reply from the Embassy Constantinople (No. 64), 15 April]

To Tel. Nos. 64 and 67.

Again informed the Minister of the Interior today of the events in Aleppo and that his orders are seemingly not being carried out. Talaat Bey then promised to repeat his instruction to Vali to deport only those families residing in Aleppo because of the last Armenian deportations and to exempt Catholics as well as Protestants.

[From the Consulate in Aleppo to the Embassy in Constantinople (No. 72), 17 April]

Further to Telegram Number 64

During the past few days, Roman Catholic families have been deported, among them the following who, as proven by the parish register, have been residing in Aleppo for more than 10 years:

Alexandro Hecter, Susann Khataz, Copraki, Artin Muesati ..., kghermergi.

[Note from the Embassy in Constantinople, 20 April]

Memo to Talaat with aide mémoire.

Aide Mémoire.

Comme il résulte d’un télégramme du consul d’Allemagne à Alep, plusieurs familles appartenant à la communauté catholique latine et domiciliées à Alep depuis plus de dix ans viennent d’être expulssées par les autorités locales, entre autres les familles Alexandre Hecter, Susan Khataz, Copraki, Artin Mussati, Deghermengji.

Ce procédé est en contradiction avec les assurances formelles données ces jours-ci par S. E. Talaat bej à l’Ambassade d’Allemagne et suivant lesquelles les catholiques d’Alep seraient exemptés des mesures d’expatriation.

Par conséquence, l’Ambassade d’Allemagne aime à espérer que les ordres nécessaires soient données afin qu’il soit permit aux familles catholiques d’Alep de continuer à y rester, et à celles qui ont été déjà expulsées, de rentrer dans leurs domiciles.

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