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Source: DE/PA-AA/BoKon/173
Embassy register: A53a/1915/2350
Edition: Genocide 1915/16
Embassy/consular serial number: Nr. 129
Translated by: Vera Draack (Translation sponsored by Zoryan Institute)
Last updated: 03/23/2012

From the Ambassador in Extraordinary Mission in Constantinople (Wolff-Metternich) to the Foreign Office

Telegraphic Report

No. 129
Therapia, 9 August 1916
I have been informed by General von Lossow that Enver Pasha told him on their journey to Budapest that a high German and a high Austrian personage expressed the opinion to a high-ranking Turkish personage that it did not matter that Turkey had lost its Armenian provinces, this ulcer on the Turkish body. Enver Pasha requested that General von Falkenhayn be informed of this. Enver considered these remarks, which were made independent of one another in different locations and at different times, embarrassing and felt they gave the impression that the loss of its territory was taken too lightly by Turkey's allies.

General von Lossow was bound by Enver Pasha to reveal the names of the two diplomats only to General von Falkenhayn, who was to bring the incident to the attention of the Secretary of State at the German Foreign Office. Upon my inquiry, whether General von Lossow could tell me if the two diplomats were in Turkey or elsewhere, he replied, "Partly here." Therefore, I assume that one of the incriminated diplomats is Margrave Pallavicini, who from time to time expresses himself in a somewhat free and careless manner. I consider it to be out of the question that I am the person he meant, as I have never made the remark complained about nor a similar one to a Turk of either high or a low rank.


[From Zimmermann to Wolff-Metternich (No. 832), 14 August]


Your Excellency's report dated the 9th inst. concerning the supposed remarks of two high-ranking diplomats on the value of the Armenian provinces for Turkey has given me cause to request a confidential report from General von Falkenhayn with the names of the two diplomats.

General von Falkenhayn then replied, "General Lossow reported the story to me and named Margrave Pallavicini as one of the careless gentlemen. As far as I remember, he did not mention the name of the other person. But since the remark was supposedly made in Vienna, it is out of the question that this could refer to the German Ambassador in Constantinople."

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